When the oncologist told me, I felt like I'd lost 12 stone (and I was only 7 stone 4 to start with). Allow me to depict my sense of relief through the medium of gif:
It's been a strange old time though. After breezing through chemoradiotherapy in ridiculously high spirits, I started feeling low about a month after treatment ended. Going to the bog no longer felt like passing hot coals, and my undercarriage was no longer sporting blisters. But I was knackered all the time (even more than usual) and my brain felt like candy floss. I got frustrated. I wanted my life back.
I'm still knackered all the time. My brain still feels like candy floss. I still want my life back.
I'd also forgotten that, horrible as it is to have a serious illness, it doesn't half give you a sense of purpose. Since I found out the treatment was successful, I've felt enormously relieved (see gif, above), but also quite a lot like this guy:
I'm glad I don't have to run any more, but MY ROAD HAS GONE!
In short, I'm grateful to the doctors and delighted that I'm cured, but also feeling exhausted and, well, a bit rudderless.
This too shall pass, as the wise ones say. Or, as I say, you'll survive everything till you don't. And I've survived this, so screw you, anal cancer. And thank you to everyone who's followed my story on this blog.
Such great news, McGingersnap. Thanks for letting us in (and up yours). It's been quite a ride! xxP